Home » Exploring England » St. Bartholomew Gatehouse: Oldest Surviving Timber-Framed Facade in London

St. Bartholomew Gatehouse: Oldest Surviving Timber-Framed Facade in London

St. Bartholomew Gatehouse stands as a testament to London’s rich history, serving as the oldest surviving timber-framed facade in the city. This remarkable structure leads to St. Bartholomew the Great, a church steeped in over 900 years of heritage and architectural splendor.

Founded in 1123 by Rahere, a courtier of King Henry I, St. Bartholomew the Great began as an Augustinian priory and hospital for the poor. Rahere’s vision to establish this holy site was inspired by a vow he made during a pilgrimage to Rome, where he sought divine guidance after falling ill.

Guided by a vision of St. Bartholomew,

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