Home » History Defined » Why did Christian Monks have such strange haircuts?

Why did Christian Monks have such strange haircuts?

Since medieval times, Christian Monks have been shaving their head on top in the way we’ve all come to associate them with.

The style, bald with a brim of hair, is as iconic as their dark brown attire, but what is it that makes Christian Monks adopt this rather unusual, and some would say unflattering, style? Today we’re going to find out.

But first, the basics.

The Tonsure Cut

This style is a form of a tonsure cut, and although it may not be as well-known in name as the crew cut, buzz cut, or fauxhawk, it certainly carries the iconic status – a little ironic for those who preach about not serving false idols, some might say.

Although symbolic of all Christian worship, the unique haircut is actually one which appears in the Catholic denominations, hence its significant

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