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Who Were the Top Allied Commanders during WWII?

World War II was the biggest military conflict of the 20th century. This multi-year engagement, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, saw warfare being waged to devastating effect on a hitherto unprecedented scale.

WWII’s result would shape the future of world politics, and its outcome was decided by the decisions and actions of a group of extraordinary military leaders. The top Allied commanders during WWII were men who will go down in history as outstanding generals and daring officers charged with facing down the Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

A Global Alliance

True to its name, WWII spanned the globe. Battles raged from the British mainland in the West to remote Pacific Islands in the East, from the Northern reaches of Scandinavia to the jungles of South Asia. The battles were fought on land, in the sea, and in the sky.

Never before had such

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